2014 is running out, just few hours and we could embrace a new year. I hope that 2015 could be a lovely dozen of joyful months, nice days and sparkling hours.
But, before we met our new year, let spend some moments to remember what I've done in the past twelve months, what I've love, what I'd done and what we have to await in the next year.
Il 2014 sta volgendo al capolinea. Ancora poche ore e ci ritroveremo fra le mani un anno nuovo di pacca, il 2015, che spero sia per voi composto di dodici mesi allegri, piacevoli giorni e ore scintillanti. Ma prima di gettarci alle spalle il vecchio e di spalancare le braccia al futuro, mi piacerebbe guardarmi inidetro e vedere che cos'ho combinato in quest'ultimo anno. Quali post mi sono piaciuti di più, insomma. E provare ad indovinare cosa bolle in pentola per l'anno che verrà.
Click on the image to read the original post.Cliccate sulle immagini per leggere il post originale.
I really loved these nail arts and these nail polishes, and you? Which were your 2014's favourite nail polishes and/or nail arts ? Let me know in the comment form, please, because your comments feed my blog and help me to improve mi skills, day after day.
I would say "thank you" for being with me in 2014, and I hope you'll be by my side in 2015 also. Because there's a big, big news about my space, but I'll explain it tomorrow. Aren't curious? Just see you tomorrow, here, on The Happy Beauty Case.
Have a sparkling New Years Eve.
Acque pacate e dolci risate finché non ci rincontreremo
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